Our Institutional Members need to file an application for membership and after approval of the board they are duly registered with AIBS.

Who Can Become a Member?
All Universities, Colleges and Institutions all over the globe.

Institutional Membership Fee:

  1. Enrollment & Application: £ 800
  2. Per Annum Fee (subsequent): £300

Accreditation Fee:

  1. Members: £3500
  2. Non-Members: £5000


Our agents need to file an application for membership. All the agents who are our members need to pass different tests to attain accreditation.
The membership is inclusive of training sessions for all our member agents.

Membership Fee:

  1. Enrollment & Application: £400
  2. Per Annum Fee (subsequent): £250

Accreditation Fee:

  1. Members: £400
  2. Non-Members: £600


Any person from Academia or Industry is eligible for professional membership. To be a member, the applicant should give proper evidence as to his/her Qualifications, position etc. and a reference from his/her organization.

Membership Fee:

  1. Enrollment & Application: £300
  2. Per Annum Fee (subsequent): £200

Accreditation Fee:

  1. Members: £2500
  2. Non-Members: £3500


All academicians teaching for atleast two years are eligible for this category of membership. To be duly accredited by AIBS the academicians have to clear assessment tests as and when required.


Membership Fee:

  1. Enrollment & Application: £300
  2. Per Annum Fee (subsequent): £200

Accreditation Fee:

  1. Members: £2500
  2. Non-Members: £3500


Membership Fee:

  1. Enrollment & Application: £250
  2. Per Annum Fee (subsequent): £200

Accreditation Fee:

  1. Members: £400
  2. Non-Members: £600

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